Owned newly developed micro-fiber polypropylenemelt-blown thermal insulation material (TEDA Mian),TEDA Filters has beendesignated as the supplier of thermal-wear uniform for the People’s LiberationArmy and the Military Police of the People’s Republic of China and made a contributionto ChineseNational Defense Modernization. TEDA Mian has two series of productincluding mono-component and bi-component .They have the superior property oflight-weight, thin, soft, breathing and moisture-resistant while also express fluffyand elastic trait.
This series of product is been designated to be thermal-wear uniform forthe Peoples Liberation Army and the Military Police of the Peoples Republic ofChina.
TEDA Thermal Insulation material quilt characters light, soft,moisture-proof mothproof and mould-proof, it can be hand- washed andmachine-wahsed
Ironing temperature≤125℃